DMC1186 - AF8 (M22520/1-01) Tool Kit for Electrical Connectors and Wiring Systems

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DMC1186 AF8 (M22520/1-01) Tool Kit For Electrical Connectors and Wiring Systems.

The DMC1186 kit supplies your staff with the information and accessories necessary to use your AF8 (M22520/1-01) Standard Adjustable Crimp Tool and accessories for crimping size 12 to 26 electrical contacts.

Illustrated operating instructions are included for the AF8 and 

The AF8 gives a Mil-Standard 8 impression crimp, which assures maximum tensile strength. The cycle controlled precision ratchet assures consistently accurate crimps every time. The tool frame has a built-in 8 step selector knob for ease in dialing the correct crimp depth setting for the wire being used.


Specification Value
Shipping Weight 15.0 LBS


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